Special Ministers of Holy Communion
There is a team of Special Ministers who are organised on a rota and who take Holy Communion to the sick and housebound. Contact Jacqueline Perry
A team of readers are organised on a rota for Sundays and who also read during the week. Contact Kay Greene
New readers are always welcome. |
Altar Servers
Anybody who has made their First Holy Communion can be a server. Servers are enrolled in the Guild of St Stephen. Contact Fr. Linh or Deacon Tony
If you wish to join the choir of St. Joseph's, please contact Tony Stanley.
Music Group
The music group is made up mainly of guitarists & singers and provides the music for the 5pm Mass on alternate weeks. Contact Jo Wall
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy takes place during the 10am Mass on Sundays. Children who have made their First Holy Communion are encouraged to remain in Church with everyone else during the Liturgy of the Word. Contact Yvonne Stanley